Breast Cancer Awareness Designer’s Choice Bouquet


Make It Special! Add-on Options:

Breast Cancer Awareness Designer's Choice Bouquet + Teddy Bear Product + Balloon Bouquet with Candy Weight
Price for all three: $69.99

October is dedicated to building awareness of Breast Cancer.

Few of us can say this type of cancer hasn’t touched our lives in some way… Our grandma, our mother, our sister, our friend, our neighbor …

Indian Health Services declared this year’s theme as “No one should face breast cancer alone”. Recognizing survivors and supporting those in treatment matters. Let them know you’re glad they are still with us, let them know you care – and remember the strength it took to fight the fight. Let them know they are not alone!

Please join us in celebrating survivors and those who are still in treatment. We created a special Breast Cancer Awareness Designer’s Choice Bouquet ($40 value for $30).

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