Greenhouse and Gardening

Our Greenhouse is the heart of your garden project!

Blossom Town greenhouse is open seasonally. In February we begin our planting season and are open to the public in mid-April. We grow some vegetables and annuals from seed with some coming to us as plugs which we transplant to containers. We offer old favorites as well as some unique – and introduce new varieties each spring.

We pride ourselves in a large selection of hanging baskets, glazed pottery and a unique variety of garden art. You’ll be sure to find a treasure of rustic farm themed or iron items.

Seasonal Greenhouse Hours

Monday-Friday: 8:30am – 5:00pm
Saturday: 8:30am - 12:00pm (noon)
Sunday: Closed

Shop Annual Plants

Shop Annual Plants

Red Geranium Plant

Shop Baskets & Pots


Shop Herbs


Shop Vegetables

Some of our favorite garden vegetables include:

Tomato seedlings ready for transplanting square

Stone Head Cabbage

Stuttgarter Onions

Heartland Tomatoes

Super Fantastic Tomatoes

Many Varieties Heirloom Tomatoes

Coronado Crown Broccoli

Bell and Hot Peppers

Asparagus Roots

Seed Potatoes




Some of our favorite annuals and perennials include:





Tuberous Begonias


Sun Coleus



Russian Sage

Day Lilies


And Many More

Our knowledgeable staff can guide you with the right selections for your growing areas. If you would like to research prior to visiting us, we recommend You will find valuable information – such as the USDA Plant Zone Map. If you love flowers but not keen on playing in the dirt, for a small fee we can plant your containers for you!

When spring fever hits stop by and check out our great selection of vegetables, annuals, perennials, grasses, succulents and herbs!

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