Care for your Favorite House Plants

We know how much you love house plants, like we do!  Here are a few ways to choose the right house plant for you with tips on the level of care, amount of light each plant type needs, watering details and tips for the best care for your plants. 

Peace LilyIvy

Level of care: medium
Light: likes bright light but avoid direct
Water: water when dry, and then water thoroughly
Care tips: avoid drafts
Comments: great trailer

Peace Lily (Spath)

Level of care: medium to high
Light: prefers medium to low light
Water: as needed – don’t over water
Care tips: brown leaf tips mean dry roots and low humidity (dry air) in room.
Comments: better blooming if root bound

Schefflera (Arbicola)

Level of care: easy
Light: likes bright light but not direct sun, can tolerate low light
Water: water thoroughly when soil is dry to the touch
Comments: comes in several varieties


Level of care: easy
Light: keep out of direct sunlight
Water: let dry out in between watering
Comments: comes in two types, those that spread and those that climb. Comes in numerous leaf shapes, sizes and colors.


Level of care: easy
Light: some varieties lose leaf variegation in lower light; others have true leaf color in lower light
Water: avoid over-watering, roots will rot
Care tips: size can be controlled by pruning
Comments: good choice for someone who doesn’t have a ‘green thumb’


Level of care: medium
Light: bright, but not direct
Water: water only when dry, then water thoroughly
Care tips: avoid drafts


Level of care: easy
Light: will do well in medium to low light
Water: water when soil is dry to touch
Comments: comes in several varieties


Level of care: medium to high
Light: medium light
Water: water when soil is dry to touch
Care tips: don’t over water
Comments: brown leaf tips may be caused by dryness or over watering. Low humidity (dry air) in room could also be a cause.


Level of care: medium
Light: Like 4 or more hours of direct sunlight daily – but do well in bright indirect light. Leaf color best in full sun.
Water: keep soil lightly moist at all times
Care tips: keep away from drafts
Comments: come in several varieties.

China Doll

Level of care: medium
Light: like bright, indirect light – north or east window are ideal.
Water: likes to be kept moist at all times – although hates being waterlogged.


Level of care: high
Light: like bright but not direct
Water: must be kept wet at all times. Do not let it dry out or it will suffer.
Care tips: likes to be cool
Comments: available in many beautiful colors. Considered a gift plant, will not re-bloom.


Level of care: medium
Light: like bright but not direct
Water: best to water from the bottom (roots)
Care tips: likes to be cool
Comments: can be treated as a house plant and may re-bloom.


Level of care: easy
Light: bright light (direct sun) preferred
Water: keep moist with good drainage – they drink a lot of water (water sparingly in winter)
Care tips: size and shape can be controlled with regular pruning.
Comments: outdoors for summer a plus


Level of care: easy
Light: bright light out of hot, direct sunlight
Water: water generously and let drain – let surface dry to touch between watering
Comments: can be treated as a house plant and may re-bloom

African Violet

Level of care: medium
Light: moderately bright light with no direct sun
Water: keep soil moderately moist with slight drying in between watering – do not allow soil to be soggy.
Care tips: a bright east window with morning light is ideal.
Comments: will bloom year round with a short rest between periods, room temperature watering will not spot leaves – but best if you try not to get leaves wet.

Have questions about your house plants?  Our knowledgeable staff is available to answer any of your questions. 

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