Did you know…When a Christmas tree is cut, over half of its weight is water.
With proper care, you can maintain the quality of your fresh cut tree. Here are a few tips on how to keep your Christmas tree fresh for the Holidays.
Before you place your tree in a stand, cut the base of the tree, about a 1/2 inch from the bottom. Make the cut perpendicular to the stem axis. Do not cut the base at an angle as this will make it more difficult for the tree to stand and keep watered.
After you cut the tree, place it in plain tap water as soon as possible. Do not get the tree trunk dirty or bruise the fresh cut surface.
If needed, a tree can be temporarily stored in a cool location for several days, but if you have cut the tree be sure to put it in a pail of water first.
Use a stand that fits your tree. Do not use a stand that has to be cut or trimmed to fit in the stand.
Your tree stand should allow 1 quart of water per inch of stem diameter.
Check the stand each day, the water level should not go below the base of the tree. Be careful to watch as some stands may still have water in it but the base of the tree is not submerged in water.
Keep the water level at a constant at all times, checking it daily. A fresh tree can go through up to a gallon of water a day.
When displaying your tree, keep it away from heat sources such as heat vents, fireplace, TV’s and direct sunlight. This will reduce the risk of fire and help prevent the tree from drying out.
The use of mini-lights can help reduce the heat to the tree. Do not overload electrical circuits with lights and extension cords.
Take down and remove the tree from your home before it dries out.
Wishing you a wonderful Christmas from all of us at Blossom Town!!
Do you have any tricks or tips for taking care of a fresh Christmas tree? Share with us in the comments below!